Friday, May 23, 2008

9 months

waw, time flies when you're having fun!!!

He spent as much time inside my belly as he spent outside it (nah, actually , that's not completely true but hey, figure of speech and all that jazz...) and he's more and more fantastic every single day. He's up basically all day now, taking a power nap now and again, and then he's loaded with energy and following me around the house or playing godzilla or being naughty and trying to get his hands on the kitty food, or worse the kitty litter or then again, taking the small table for a walk through the living room. In the evening, he is, of course, knackered.

so at his ninth monthday, i took a picture of him enjoying his evening ritual, and his pike (who he loves - thank you sweet George for introducing him to the seaworld, hope you're enjoying NY ;))

hope you're enjoying watching the pictures of my wee boy, cause i love to watch him every second of the day!

1 comment:

nòR said...

And the fish, too.
My heart melts, again.. Love you both loads!