Odie has come to pass. My lovely white fluffy deaf blind senile dog has passed away. Even in his old days he still tried to swim, but he couldn't play footy anymore. Every time you cuddled him he trembled.
He has had a wonderful life, he was almost 17, that's 116 in human years...
I will miss him, he's been a big part of my life afterall... Met zijn pootjes en vooral zijn nageltjes op het parket, trippel trippel... So please, when you this, take a moment and think about him, even if you didn't know the smelly dog...
But i absolutely adored his nose, which was the only part of him that still worked
and still was as black as when he was a puppy...

dear odie,
may you rest in peace and be an accordeondog to the little angels up in heaven. may you frolic and bark, jump on a bed of clouds and sneeze like when you were bold and beautiful. you were the funniest gay dog I have ever seen.
love you
Bye Odie, rest in peace.
You were one of the 5 dogs in my life i wasn't afraid of...
Only 4 left... :-(
just caught up with the news
sorry to hear of Odie's passing Pixie
Hey Sas and dear Odie,
heel veel knuffels van mij! Maar in de hondenhemel zal er al 1 hondje hem volledig staan op te wachten om met hem verder te spelen! Mijn hondje zal nu eindelijk ook een speelkameraadje hebben en de jouwe een goeie vriend.
Gio, x
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