Tuesday, February 06, 2007


i'm three months pregnant!
everything is going ok, it's a wee monster
and i think it's great :)
i'll post the echo later


lamazone said...

o honey!
I'm so happy for you! And I know this baby will be loved to smittens. First of all by you, but also by all the people, friends and family surrounding you. And you'll get there. I know you will.
*snirf* :oD

LuckyWanderBoy said...

Congratulations!!! That's superfabulistic!!! We're both a bit jealous you know...

Anonymous said...

Hey, congrats and stuff! Haven't seen you in IM for a bit...


Henna said...

Tiihiihii...a real monster I say...just you wait, just you wait! ;)

Anonymous said...

i think its upside down
and its mum-in-the-making pixie