Monday, October 16, 2006



Anonymous said...

kiss my arse pixe, 65% club G.R.O.S.S all the way

G.R.O.S.S. Member!
On Calvin and Hobbes knowledge you scored 65%
Welcome to the club buddy! Put on your newspaper hat! You are a certifiable, undeniable, Member of G.R.O.S.S.. You can DEFINATELY hold your own at Calvinball or picking boogers and all that other cool shit. But you could do better. Keep eating your Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs, your pizzas with extra anchovies and tuna fish sandwiches and you could be Calvin or even... Spaceman Spiff! Things could be worse though buddy. You could be sitting across the street with Susie Derkins and playing with Mr. Bun or Binky Betsy! Slimy GirlS? YUK!

Anonymous said...

i think we broke your trainspotter pixie, his blog makes for grim reading.

also he has a weird nose