Sunday, February 22, 2009

18 months

Tomorrow, my wee boy is 18 months. Time really flies. I love him more than i ever loved anyone before (but he's incredible cute - that's what probably does the trick;)) but he can drive me absolutely bonkers at times as well... But in the end, we hug and make up, each and every time...
He's great, but i bet every mum says that about her kid. He's babbles nonstop, loves animals to bits (especially basil), can be incredibly naughty with the cutest of smiles, loves in the night garden (it's the only tv show he actually watches), loves biscuits, spaghetti and fruit, knows a few words already, calls everyone papa ;) enjoys his bath and bedtime. My life has never been more wonderful since he's in my life. Can't wait for the next years to come.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

een bord met spaghetti en daarbovenop ...

Ilia ate all by himself today. He made a mess but made me so proud ;)
my wee spaghettimonster

Saturday, February 07, 2009