Wednesday, November 26, 2008

RIP my feline friend

Hobbes died this morning. Died peacefully in my arms while i was petting him. He was 4 years old and was ill since saturday. He will be missed.

Monday, November 24, 2008

need a plumber?

call my son.

he's good at plumbing ;)

how to hug an ill cat

Hobbes suffered from kidney stones, Ilia missed the sweet tomcat when he was at the vets. Need a picture to prove it??

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


well done obama!

sweet sugar

i'm as sweet as sugar

and never ever a bad boy

promise :)

Saturday, November 01, 2008

man and wife

read the sequel, not as good as the original, but what's new. One quote stuck me, it's about single mums ;)

" i'd rather be on my own than with some useless bastard of a man" ... "like his fat arsed father. No arguements, No bitching about who does what. Just me and my boy. The single parent answers to no one. Tell you what i like about it: it's uncomplicated"

Man and Wife
Tony Parsons
(her changed into his, girl changed into boy)